First Priority
I'm not trading any of these cards.

Second Priority
I'll trade these away for any cards I'm collecting. I'll also accept offers for any of these decks.

Also looking for: aholynightsgift, akoudagawa, alphinaudleveilleur, amimizuno, ardberthylfyst, aymericdeborel, chibiusa, cinnamoroll, danheng, djeeta, erenville, estinienvarlineau, fangyunoerba, feoul, gengar, haurchefantgreystone, jingyuan, klee, loidforger, nicoyazawa, raidenei, ranmitake, rynewaters, sandalphon, shadowbringers, tatarutaru, tuxedosam, uriangeraugurelt, usagitsukino, vanillediaoerba, yorforger

Event Cards